Property Sheets

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The Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) contains support for property sheets, also known as tab dialog boxes, in classes CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage. This family of articles explains how and when to use property sheets in your MFC applications. Topics include:

A property sheet is a special kind of dialog box that is generally used to modify the attributes of some external object, such as the current selection in a view. The property sheet has three main parts: the containing dialog box, one or more property pages shown one at a time, and a tab at the top of each page that the user clicks to select that page. Property sheets are useful for situations where you have a number of similar groups of settings or options to change. An example of a property sheet is the Project Settings dialog box in the integrated development environment. In this case, there are a number of different groups of options that need to be set. The property sheet allows a large amount of information to be grouped in an easily understood fashion.

Other articles in this family include: