The SQL Debugging Process

Feature Only in Enterprise Edition   This feature is supported only in Visual C++ Enterprise Edition. For more information, see Visual C++ Editions.

Using the debugger, you can control the execution of your SQL statement and examine the statement at selected points through multiple windows and dialog boxes. You can set breakpoints to halt execution at critical locations.

When running SQL source code with the debugger, you can single-step to observe the effects of your code. You can choose to enter the SQL code using the Step Into command, or step out using the Step Out command. Using the Step Over command, you can step past the SQL source code or stored procedure. You can even step into nested stored procedures. The Step Out command enables you to exit the SQL source code and return to the client program.

When you end a debugging session, the project retains any breakpoints you have set. When you reopen the project, the debugger restores the breakpoints in the proper locations. When the program is halted at a breakpoint, you can use the debug windows and dialog boxes to examine the state of your program.