C/C++ Keywords

The following are keywords in Microsoft C and C++. Names with leading underscores are Microsoft extensions.

__asm else main struct
__assume enum __multiple_inheritance switch
auto __except __single_inheritance template
__based explicit __virtual_inheritance this
bool extern mutable thread
break false naked throw
case __fastcall namespace true
catch __finally new try
__cdecl float noreturn __try
char for operator typedef
class friend private typeid
const goto protected typename
const_cast if public union
continue inline register unsigned
__declspec __inline reinterpret_cast using declaration,
using directive
default int return uuid
delete __int8 short __uuidof
dllexport __int16 signed virtual
dllimport __int32 sizeof void
do __int64 static volatile
double __leave static_cast wmain
dynamic_cast long __stdcall while