Parsing error
The parsing error can be caused by any of following conditions:
The type field in the ACCELERATORS statement must contain either the ASCII or VIRTKEY value.
The BEGIN keyword must immediately follow the ACCELERATORS keyword.
The BEGIN keyword must immediately follow the DIALOG keyword.
The BEGIN keyword must immediately follow the MENU keyword.
The BEGIN keyword must immediately follow the RCDATA keyword.
The BEGIN keyword must immediately follow the STRINGTABLE keyword.
You are using the same value twice in a STRINGTABLE statement. Make sure you are not mixing overlapping decimal and hexadecimal values. Each ID in a STRINGTABLE must be unique. For maximum efficiency use contiguous constants that start on a multiple of 16.
A control character in the ACCELERATORS statement is invalid. The character following the caret (^) must be between A and Z, inclusive.
An END keyword appears before any menu items are defined in the MENU statement. Empty menus are not permitted by the Resource Compiler. Make sure you do not have any open quotation marks within the MENU statement.
The END keyword must occur at the end of a DIALOG statement. Make sure there are no open quotes left from the preceding statement.
The END keyword must come at the end of a MENU statement. Make sure you do not have any open quotation marks or a mismatched pair of BEGIN and END statements.
RC requires a comma between the event and idvalue fields in the ACCELERATORS statement.
The class field of a CONTROL statement in the DIALOG statement must be one of the following types: BUTTON, COMBOBOX, EDIT, LISTBOX, SCROLLBAR, STATIC, or user-defined. Make sure the class is spelled correctly.
The typeface field of the FONT option in the DIALOG statement must be an ASCII character string enclosed in double quotation marks. This field specifies the name of a font.
The MENU statement must contain a menuID field, which specifies the name or number that identifies the menu resource.
Each MENUITEM and POPUP statement must contain a text field, which is a string enclosed in double quotation marks that specifies the name of the menu item or pop-up menu. A MENUITEM SEPARATOR statement requires no quoted string.
RC was expecting a numeric idvalue field in the ACCELERATORS statement. Make sure that you have used a #define constant to specify the value and that the constant is spelled correctly.
A numeric constant, defined in a #define statement, must immediately follow the BEGIN keyword in a STRINGTABLE statement.
The pointsize field of the FONT option in the DIALOG statement must be an integer point size value.
A DIALOG statement requires integer values for the x, y, width, and height fields. Make sure that these values are included after the DIALOG keyword and that they are not negative.
A string is expected after each stringid value in a STRINGTABLE statement.
RC was not able to determine what kind of key is being set up for the accelerator. The event field in the ACCELERATORS statement might be invalid.
Expecting a number for the id field of a control statement in the DIALOG statement. Make sure you have a number or #define statement for the control ID.
The class field of the CLASS option in the DIALOG statement must be an integer or a string, enclosed in double quotation marks.
The captiontext field of the CAPTION option in the DIALOG statement must be an ASCII character string enclosed in double quotation marks.
The file specified in the RC command line was not found. Check to see whether the file has been moved to another directory and whether the filename or path is typed correctly. Files are searched for using the INCLUDE environment variable or the Visual Workbench setting, if available.
The pointsize field in the FONT statement must be an integer, not a string.
An event field in the ACCELERATORS statement was not recognized or was more than two characters in length.
The type field in the ACCELERATORS statement must contain either the ASCII or VIRTKEY value.
A control character in the ACCELERATORS statement is invalid. A valid control character consists of one letter (only) following a caret (^).
Each control statement in a DIALOG statement must be one of the following: CHECKBOX, COMBOBOX, CONTROL, CTEXT, DEFPUSHBUTTON, EDITTEXT, GROUPBOX, ICON, LISTBOX, LTEXT, PUSHBUTTON, RADIOBUTTON, RTEXT, SCROLLBAR. Make sure these control statements are spelled correctly.
The resource type was not among the types defined in the WINDOWS.H file.
The text field of a CONTROL statement in the DIALOG statement must be either a text string or an ordinal reference to the type of control is expected. If using an ordinal, make sure that you have a #define statement for the control.
Make sure you have closed every open parenthesis in the DIALOG statement.
The raw-data values in the RCDATA statement must be integers or strings, each separated by a comma. Make sure you did not leave out a comma or leave out a quotation mark around a string.
The item-definition field of the MENU statement can contain only MENUITEM and POPUP statements.