Context-sensitive help, for the purpose of this discussion, refers to help support for the controls in a dialog box that users access with:
Context-sensitive help also refers to accessing the help viewer via a command button or menu option.
To implement help for a dialog-box control, you must first create a text file that you include in your HTML Help project and then create a two-dimensional array. Then, you can implement code that supports F1, right-click, or question-mark-pointer access to text in the help file.
The source information for context-sensitive help is stored in a .txt file that you include in your HTML Help project.
To create the context-sensitive help text file
.topic 1
help text for control 1
.topic 2
help text for control 2
Note For more information, see "Designing context-sensitive help" in HTML Help's online help. From the Help menu (in HTML Help Workshop), choose Help Topics.
To support help for resources in a dialog box, you must create a two-dimensional array that maps control IDs to help IDs (topic numbers).
To create the two-dimensional array
static DWORD myarray[] = {
Each entry in the two-dimensional array pairs a resource ID for a dialog-box control with a topic number from the context-sensitive help text file. If you do not want a specific resource to have What's This? Help, use –1. The last pair in this array should be 0,0.
What's This? Help displays the control's help when a user right-clicks the control.
To implement right-click What's This? Help
void CMyDialog::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point)
F1 access to context-sensitive help means that users will be able to press F1 when a control has focus to access help.
To implement F1 access to context-sensitive help
BOOL CMyDialog::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo)
if (pHelpInfo->iContextType == HELPINFO_WINDOW)
return HtmlHelp(
!= NULL;
return TRUE;
If you already implement F1 access to context-sensitive help, you can easily enable the What's This? pointer, which causes a question mark to appear on the title bar, in the upper right-hand corner of the dialog box.
To enable the What's This? Help question-mark pointer