What's Development for the Visual C++ Enterprise?

Visual C++ Enterprise Edition is best suited for developers building distributed database applications in a team environment. For these developers, SQL debugging and MTS are integrated into the development environment making development of distributed-transaction-oriented applications faster and easier. (SQL Server and MTS come with the Enterprise Edition of Visual C++.) The Enterprise Edition also includes Microsoft Visual Source Safe, a tool that allows a team of developers to share and mutually update a common repository of source code.

The Visual Studio book Developing for the Enterprise is a good resource for information on developing enterprise applications. Developing for the Enterprise includes chapters on data access technology, application architecture, security, performance tuning, and more. To get started, see Chapter 1, What is an Enterprise Application?.

Visual C++ Enterprise Edition

What's included in the Visual C++ Enterprise Edition?

What's new for Visual C++ version 6.0 (including new Enterprise features)?


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See Also

Visual C++ Editions

Comparison chart of features in each edition