
explicit locale(const char *s);
locale(const locale& x, const locale& y,
    category cat);
locale(const locale& x, const char *s, category cat);

The first constructor initializes the object to match the global locale. The second constructor initializes all the locale categories to have behavior consistent with the locale name s. The remaining constructors copy x, with the exceptions noted:

locale(const locale& x, const locale& y,
    category cat);

replaces from y those facets corresponding to a category c for which c & cat is nonzero.

locale(const locale& x, const char *s, category cat);

replaces from locale(s, all) those facets corresponding to a category c for which c & cat is nonzero.

In this implementation, you should write _ADDFAC(loc, Facet) to return a new locale that adds the facet Facet to the locale loc, since not all translators currently support the additional template constructors:

template<class Facet>
    locale(const locale& x, Facet *fac);
template<class Facet>
    locale(const locale& x, const locale& y);

If a locale name s is a null pointer or otherwise invalid, the function throws runtime_error.