deque::insert (STL Sample)

The sample code below illustrates how to use the deque::insert STL function in Visual C++.

Required Header:


iterator insert(iterator iter, const T& x = T());
void insert(iterator iter, size_type n, const T& x);
void insert(iterator iter, const_iterator first,const_iterator last);

Note: The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.

Each of these functions inserts a sequence specified by the remaining operands after the element pointed to by iter in the container. The first member function inserts a single element with value x and returns an iterator that points to the newly inserted element. The second member function inserts a repetition of n elements of value x. The third member function inserts the sequence [first, last).

Sample Code:

// Compile options needed: -GX
// deque.cpp :
// Functions:
//    insert
//    begin
//    end

/* Compile options needed:-GX
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;

typedef deque<char >  CHARDEQUE;
void print_contents (CHARDEQUE  deque);

void main()
    //create a with 3 A's
    CHARDEQUE  a(3,'A');

    //create b with 2 B's.
    CHARDEQUE  b(2,'B');

    //print out the contents
    print_contents (a);
    print_contents (b);

    //insert 'X' to the beginning of a
    print_contents (a);

    //insert 'Y' to the end of a
    print_contents (a);

    //inset 3 'Z's to one item before the end of a
    print_contents (a);

    //insert to the end of a from b
    print_contents (a);


//function to print the contents of deque
void print_contents (CHARDEQUE  deque)
    CHARDEQUE::iterator pdeque;

    cout <<"The output is: ";

    for(pdeque = deque.begin();
        pdeque != deque.end();
        cout << *pdeque <<" " ;


Program Output is:

The output is: A A A
The output is: B B
The output is: X A A A
The output is: X A A A Y
The output is: X A A A Z Z Z Y
The output is: X A A A Z Z Z Y B B