
template<class T>
    class mask_array {
    typedef T value_type;
    void operator=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator=(const T& x);
    void operator*=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator/=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator%=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator+=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator-=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator^=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator&=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator|=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator<<=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void operator>>=(const valarray<T> x) const;
    void fill();

The class describes an object that stores a reference to an object x of class valarray<T>, along with an object ba of class valarray<bool> which describes the sequence of elements to select from the valarray<T> object.

You construct a mask_array<T> object only by writing an expression of the form x[xa]. The member functions of class mask_array then behave like the corresponding function signatures defined for valarray<T>, except that only the sequence of selected elements is affected.

The sequence consists of, at most, ba.size() elements. An element j is included only if ba[j] is true. Thus, there are as many elements in the sequence as there are true elements in ba. If i is the index of the lowest true element in ba, then x[i] is element zero in the selected sequence. For example:

const bool vb[] = {false, false, true, true, false, true};
// x[valarray<bool>(vb, 56] selects eleeents with indices
//   2, 3, 5

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