Customizing C Command-Line Processing

If your program does not take command-line arguments, you can save a small amount of space by suppressing use of the library routine that performs command-line processing. This routine is called _setargv (or _wsetargv in the wide-character environment), as described in Expanding Wildcard Arguments. To suppress its use, define a routine that does nothing in the file containing the main function and name it _setargv (or _wsetargv in the wide-character environment). The call to _setargv or _wsetargv is then satisfied by your definition of _setargv or _wsetargv , and the library version is not loaded.

Similarly, if you never access the environment table through the envp argument, you can provide your own empty routine to be used in place of _setenvp (or _wsetenvp), the environment-processing routine.

If your program makes calls to the _spawn or _exec family of routines in the C run-time library, you should not suppress the environment-processing routine, since this routine is used to pass an environment from the spawning process to the new process.

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