long flags( long lFlags );
long flags() const;
Return Value
The first overloaded flags function sets the stream’s internal flags variable to lFlags and returns the previous value.
The second function returns the stream’s current flags.
The new format flag values for the stream. The values are specified by the following bit masks (ios enumerators) that can be combined using the bitwise OR ( | ) operator. The lFlags parameter must have one of the following values:
ios::skipws Skip white space on input.
ios::left Left-align values; pad on the right with the fill character.
ios::right Right-align values; pad on the left with the fill character (default alignment).
ios::internal Add fill characters after any leading sign or base indication, but before the value.
ios::dec Format numeric values as base 10 (decimal) (default radix).
ios::oct Format numeric values as base 8 (octal).
ios::hex Format numeric values as base 16 (hexadecimal).
ios::showbase Display numeric constants in a format that can be read by the C++ compiler.
ios::showpoint Show decimal point and trailing zeros for floating-point values.
ios::uppercase Display uppercase A through F for hexadecimal values and E for scientific values.
ios::showpos Show plus signs (+) for positive values.
ios::scientific Display floating-point numbers in scientific format.
ios::fixed Display floating-point numbers in fixed format.
ios::unitbuf Cause ostream::osfx to flush the stream after each insertion. By default, cerr is unit buffered.
ios::stdio Cause ostream::osfx to flush stdout and stderr after each insertion.
ios Overview | Abstract Stream Base Class
See Also ios::setf, ios::unsetf, ios setiosflags manipulator, ios resetiosflags manipulator, ios::adjustfield, ios::basefield, ios::floatfield