Member Functions

Classes can contain data and functions. These functions are referred to as “member functions.” Any nonstatic function declared inside a class declaration is considered a member function and is called using the member-selection operators (. and –>). When calling member functions from other member functions of the same class, the object and member-selection operator can be omitted. For example:

class Point
    short x() { return _x; }
    short y() { return _y; }
    void  Show() { cout << x() << ", " << y() << "\n"; }
    short _x, _y;

void main()
    Point pt;


Note that in the member function, Show, calls to the other member functions, x and y, are made without member-selection operators. These calls implicitly mean this->x() and this->y(). However, in main, the member function, Show, must be selected using the object pt and the member-selection operator (.).

Static functions declared inside a class can be called using the member-selection operators or by specifying the fully qualified function name (including the class name).

Note   A function declared using the friend keyword is not considered a member of the class in which it is declared a friend (although it can be a member of another class). A friend declaration controls the access a nonmember function has to class data.

The following class declaration shows how member functions are declared:

class Point
    unsigned GetX();
    unsigned GetY();
    unsigned SetX( unsigned x );
    unsigned SetY( unsigned y );
    unsigned ptX, ptY;

In the preceding class declaration, four functions are declared: GetX, GetY, SetX, and SetY. The next example shows how such functions are called in a program:

void main()
    // Declare a new object of type Point.
    Point ptOrigin;

    // Member function calls use the . member-selection operator.
    ptOrigin.SetX( 0 );
    ptOrigin.SetY( 0 );

    // Declare a pointer to an object of type Point.
    Point *pptCurrent = new Point;
// Member function calls use the -> member-selection operator.
    pptCurrent->SetX( ptOrigin.GetX() + 10 );
    pptCurrent->SetY( ptOrigin.GetY() + 10 );

In the preceding code, the member functions of the object ptOrigin are called using the member-selection operator (.). However, the member functions of the object pointed to by pptCurrent are called using the –> member-selection operator.