Temporary Objects

In some cases, it is necessary for the compiler to create temporary objects. These temporary objects can be created for the following reasons:

Temporary objects have a lifetime that is defined by their point of creation and the point at which they are destroyed. Any expression that creates more than one temporary object eventually destroys them in the reverse order in which they were created. The points at which destruction occurs are shown in Table 11.3.

Table 11.3   Destruction Points for Temporary Objects

Reason Temporary Created Destruction Point
Result of expression
All temporaries created as a result of expression evaluation are destroyed at the end of the expression statement (that is, at the semicolon), or at the end of the controlling expressions for for, if, while, do, and switch statements.
Result of expressions using
the built-in (not overloaded)
logical operators (|| and &&)
Immediately after the right operand. At this destruction point, all temporary objects created by evaluation of the right operand are destroyed.
Initializing const references If an initializer is not an l-value of the same type as the reference being initialized, a temporary of the underlying object type is created and initialized with the initialization expression. This temporary object is destroyed immediately after the reference object to which it is bound is destroyed.