The do Statement

The do statement executes a statement repeatedly until the specified termination condition (the expression) evaluates to zero. The test of the termination condition is made after each execution of the loop; therefore, a do loop executes one or more times, depending on the value of the termination expression. The following function uses the do statement to wait for the user to press a specific key:

void WaitKey( char ASCIICode )
    char chTemp;

        chTemp = _getch();
    while( chTemp != ASCIICode );

A do loop rather than a while loop is used in the preceding code — with the do loop, the _getch function is called to get a keystroke before the termination condition is evaluated. This function can be written using a while loop, but not as concisely:

void WaitKey( char ASCIICode )
    char chTemp;

    chTemp = _getch();

    while( chTemp != ASCIICode )
        chTemp = _getch();

The expression must be of an integral type, a pointer type, or a class type with an unambiguous conversion to an integral or pointer type.

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