Unhandled C++ Exceptions

If a matching handler (or ellipsis catch handler) cannot be found for the current exception, the predefined terminate function is called. (You can also explicitly call terminate in any of your handlers.) The default action of terminate is to call abort. If you want terminate to call some other function in your program before exiting the application, call the set_terminate function with the name of the function to be called as its single argument. You can call set_terminate at any point in your program. The terminate routine always calls the last function given as an argument to set_terminate. For example:

#include <eh.h>    // For function prototypes
void term_func() { // ... }
int main()
        // ...
        set_terminate( term_func );
        // ...
        throw "Out of memory!"; // No catch handler for this exception
    catch( int )
        cout << "Integer exception raised.";
    return 0;

The term_func function should terminate the program or current thread, ideally by calling exit. If it doesn’t, and instead returns to its caller, abort is called.

For more information about C++ exception handling, see the C++ Annotated Reference Manual by Margaret Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup.