
template< class T >
class CBindStatusCallback : public CComObjectRootEx<
T::_ThreadModel::ThreadModelNoCS>, public IBindStatusCallbackImpl<T>



Your class containing the function that will be called as the data is received.

The CBindStatusCallback class implements the IBindStatusCallback interface. IBindStatusCallback must be implemented by your application so it can receive notifications from an asynchronous data transfer. The asynchronous moniker provided by the system uses IBindStatusCallback methods to send and receive information about the asynchronous data transfer to and from your object.

Typically, the CBindStatusCallback object is associated with a specific bind operation. For example, in the ASYNC sample, when you set the URL property, it creates a CBindStatusCallback object in the call to Download:

   m_bstrURL = strURL;
             OnData, m_bstrURL, m_spClientSite, FALSE);
   return S_OK;

The asynchronous moniker uses the callback function OnData to call your application when it has data. The asynchronous moniker is provided by the system.

See the ActiveX SDK for a description of IBindStatusCallback.

#include <atlctl.h>

Class Members