CBindStatusCallback Class Members

IBindStatusCallback Methods

GetBindInfo Called by the asynchronous moniker to request information on the type of bind to be created.
GetPriority Called by the asynchronous moniker to get the priority of the bind operation. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
OnLowResource Called when resources are low. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
OnObjectAvailable Called by the asynchronous moniker to pass an object interface pointer to your application. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
OnProgress Called to indicate the progress of a data downloading process. The ATL implementation returns S_OK.
OnStartBinding Called when binding is started.
OnStopBinding Called when the asynchronous data transfer is stopped.

Class Methods

CBindStatusCallback Constructor.
Download Starts the download process, creates a CBindStatusCallback object, and calls StartAsyncDownload.
OnDataAvailable Called to provide data to your application as it becomes available. Reads the data, then calls the function passed to it to use the data.
StartAsyncDownload Initializes the bytes available and bytes read to zero, creates a push-type stream object from a URL, and calls OnDataAvailable every time data is available.

Data Members

m_dwAvailableToRead Number of bytes available to read.
m_dwTotalRead Total number of bytes read.
m_pFunc Pointer to the function called when data is available.
m_pT Pointer to the object requesting the asynchronous data transfer.
m_spBindCtx Pointer to the IBindCtx interface for the current bind operation.
m_spBinding Pointer to the IBinding interface for the current bind operation. See the ActiveX SDK for a description of IBinding.
m_spMoniker Pointer to the IMoniker interface for the URL to use.
m_spStream Pointer to the IStream interface for the data transfer.

CBindStatusCallback Overview