IBindStatusCallback Methods
GetBindInfo | Called by the asynchronous moniker to request information on the type of bind to be created. |
GetPriority | Called by the asynchronous moniker to get the priority of the bind operation. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL. |
OnLowResource | Called when resources are low. The ATL implementation returns S_OK. |
OnObjectAvailable | Called by the asynchronous moniker to pass an object interface pointer to your application. The ATL implementation returns S_OK. |
OnProgress | Called to indicate the progress of a data downloading process. The ATL implementation returns S_OK. |
OnStartBinding | Called when binding is started. |
OnStopBinding | Called when the asynchronous data transfer is stopped. |
Class Methods
CBindStatusCallback | Constructor. |
Download | Starts the download process, creates a CBindStatusCallback object, and calls StartAsyncDownload. |
OnDataAvailable | Called to provide data to your application as it becomes available. Reads the data, then calls the function passed to it to use the data. |
StartAsyncDownload | Initializes the bytes available and bytes read to zero, creates a push-type stream object from a URL, and calls OnDataAvailable every time data is available. |
Data Members
m_dwAvailableToRead | Number of bytes available to read. |
m_dwTotalRead | Total number of bytes read. |
m_pFunc | Pointer to the function called when data is available. |
m_pT | Pointer to the object requesting the asynchronous data transfer. |
m_spBindCtx | Pointer to the IBindCtx interface for the current bind operation. |
m_spBinding | Pointer to the IBinding interface for the current bind operation. See the ActiveX SDK for a description of IBinding. |
m_spMoniker | Pointer to the IMoniker interface for the URL to use. |
m_spStream | Pointer to the IStream interface for the data transfer. |