CComModule Class Members


GetClassObject Creates an object of a specified CLSID. For DLLs only.
GetLockCount Returns the current lock count on the module.
GetModuleInstance Returns m_hInst.
GetResourceInstance Returns m_hInstResource.
GetTypeLibInstance Returns m_hInstTypeLib.
Init Initializes data members.
Lock Increments the module lock count.
RegisterClassHelper Enters an object's standard class registration in the system registry.
RegisterClassObjects Registers the class factory in the Running Object Table. For EXEs only.
RegisterServer Updates the system registry for each object in the object map.
RegisterTypeLib Registers a type library.
RevokeClassObjects Removes the class factory from the Running Object Table. For EXEs only.
Term Releases data members.
Unlock Decrements the module lock count.
UnregisterClassHelper Removes an object's standard class registration from the system registry.
UnregisterServer Unregisters each object in the object map.
UpdateRegistryClass Registers or unregisters an object's standard class registration.
UpdateRegistryFromResourceD Runs the script contained in a specified resource to register or unregister an object.
UpdateRegistryFromResourceS Statically links to the ATL Registry Component. Runs the script contained in a specified resource to register or unregister an object.

Data Members

m_csObjMap Ensures synchronized access to the object map information.
m_csTypeInfoHolder Ensures synchronized access to the type library information.
m_csWindowCreate Ensures synchronized access to window class information and static data used during window creation.
m_hHeap Contains the handle to the heap managed by the module.
m_hInst Contains the handle to the module instance.
m_hInstResource By default, contains the handle to the module instance.
m_hInstTypeLib By default, contains the handle to the module instance.
m_nLockCnt Contains the current lock count on the module.
m_pObjMap Points to the object map maintained by the module instance.

CComModule Overview