
typedef CComCriticalSection CriticalSection;


When using CComMultiThreadModel, the typedef name CriticalSection references class CComCriticalSection, which provides methods for obtaining and releasing ownership of a critical section object.

CComSingleThreadModel and CComMultiThreadModelNoCS also contain definitions for CriticalSection. The following table shows the relationship between the threading model class and the critical section class referenced by CriticalSection:

Class defined in Class referenced
CcomMultiThreadModel CcomCriticalSection
CcomSingleThreadModel CcomFakeCriticalSection
CcomMultiThreadModelNoCS CcomFakeCriticalSection

In addition to CriticalSection, you can use the typedef name AutoCriticalSection. You should not specify AutoCriticalSection in global objects or static class members if you want to eliminate the CRT startup code.


See AutoCriticalSection.

CComMultiThreadModel OverviewClass Members

See Also   CComObjectThreadModel, CComGlobalsThreadModel, CComMultiThreadModel::ThreadModelNoCS