
HRESULT FinalConstruct( );

Return Value

One of the standard HRESULT values.


Typically, override this method in the class derived from CComObjectRootEx to create any aggregated objects. For example:

class CMyAggObject : public CComObjectRootEx< ... >
   HRESULT FinalConstruct( )
      return CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SomeServer, 
               GetControllingUnknown(), CLSCTX_ALL,
               IID_ISomeServer, &m_pSomeServer);

If the construction fails, you can return an error. You can also use the macro DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT to protect your outer object from being deleted if (during creation) the internal aggregated object increments the reference count then decrements the count to 0.

By default, CComObjectRootEx::FinalConstruct simply returns S_OK.

Here is a typical way to create an aggregate:

CComObjectRootEx OverviewClass Members

See Also   CComObjectRootEx::FinalRelease, DECLARE_GET_CONTROLLING_UNKNOWN