CComObjectRootEx Class Members


CcomObjectRootEx Constructor.
InternalAddRef Increments the reference count for a nonaggregated object.
InternalQueryInterface Delegates to the IUnknown of a nonaggregated object.
InternalRelease Decrements the reference count for a nonaggregated object.
Lock If the thread model is multithreaded, obtains ownership of a critical section object.
Unlock If the thread model is multithreaded, releases ownership of a critical section object.

CComObjectRootBase Methods

FinalConstruct Override in your class to create any aggregated objects.
FinalRelease Override in your class to release any aggregated objects.
OuterAddRef Increments the reference count for an aggregated object.
OuterQueryInterface Delegates to the outer IUnknown of an aggregated object.
OuterRelease Decrements the reference count for an aggregated object.

Data Members

m_critsec A CComAutoCriticalSection object or CComFakeCriticalSection object, depending on the thread model.
m_dwRef With m_pOuterUnknown, part of a union. Used when the object is not aggregated to hold the reference count of AddRef and Release.
m_pOuterUnknown With m_dwRef, part of a union. Used when the object is aggregated to hold a pointer to the outer unknown.

CComObjectRootEx Overview