
ATOM Register( WNDPROC* pProc );

Return Value

If successful, an atom that uniquely identifies the window class being registered. Otherwise, 0.



[out] Specifies the original window procedure of an existing window class.


Called by CWindowImpl::Create to register the window class if it has not yet been registered.

If you have specified the DECLARE_WND_CLASS (the default in CWindowImpl) or the DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX macro, Register registers a new window class. In this case, the pProc parameter is not used.

If you have specified the DECLARE_WND_SUPERCLASS macro, Register registers a superclass — a window class that is based on an existing class but uses a different window procedure. The existing window class’s window procedure is returned in pProc.

CWndClassInfo OverviewClass Members

See Also   CWndClassInfo::m_atom, CWndClassInfo::m_wc, CWndClassInfo::pWndProc