[in] Wizard-generated identifier of your resource.
Same as DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCE except that it uses a Wizard-generated UINT to identify the resource, rather than a string name.
When you create an object or control using the ATL Object Wizard, the wizard will automatically implement script-based registry support and add the DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID macro to your files.
You can statically link with the ATL Registry Component (Registrar) for optimized registry access. To statically link to the Registrar code, add #define _ATL_STATIC_REGISTRY
to your stdafx.h.
If you want ATL to substitute replacement values at run time, do not specify the DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCE or DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID macro. Instead, create an array of _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES structures, where each entry contains a variable placeholder paired with a value to replace the placeholder at run time. Then call CComModule::UpdateRegistryFromResourceD or CComModule::UpdateRegistryFromResourceS, passing the array. This adds all the replacement values in the _ATL_REGMAP_ENTRIES structures to the Registrar's replacement map.
For more information about replaceable parameters and scripting, see the article The ATL Registry Component (Registrar).
ATL Macros and Global Functions
See Also