IDataObjectImpl Class Members

Class Methods

FireDataChange Sends a change notification back to each advise sink.

IDataObject Methods

DAdvise Establishes a connection between the data object and an advise sink. This enables the advise sink to receive notifications of changes in the object.
DUnadvise Terminates a connection previously established through DAdvise.
EnumDAdvise Creates an enumerator to iterate through the current advisory connections.
EnumFormatEtc Creates an enumerator to iterate through the FORMATETC structures supported by the data object. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
GetCanonicalFormatEtc Retrieves a logically equivalent FORMATETC structure to one that is more complex. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
GetData Transfers data from the data object to the client. The data is described in a FORMATETC structure and is transferred through a STGMEDIUM structure.
GetDataHere Similar to GetData, except the client must allocate the STGMEDIUM structure. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
QueryGetData Determines whether the data object supports a particular FORMATETC structure for transferring data. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.
SetData Transfers data from the client to the data object. The ATL implementation returns E_NOTIMPL.

IDataObjectImpl Overview