Renamed Classes

In addition to 39 new classes, 7 classes have been renamed. Through a #define statement, some of the old names remain compatible with ATL 2.1. However, it is recommended that you use the new names. For more information, see Obsolete ATL Topics.

Old name New name
CcomConnectionPoint IConnectionPointImpl

(Not backward compatible. You must use the new name.)

CcomConnectionPointContainerImpl IConnectionPointContainerImpl
CcomDualImpl IDispatchImpl
CcomDynamicArrayCONNECTDATA CComDynamicUnkArray

(Not backward compatible. You must use the new name.)

CcomISupportErrorInfoImpl ISupportErrorInfoImpl
CcomProvideClassInfo2Impl IProvideClassInfo2Impl
CcomStaticArrayCONNECTDATA CComUnkArray

(Not backward compatible. You must use the new name.)

New Classes