
void AfxFormatString1( CString& rString, UINT nIDS, LPCTSTR lpsz1 );



A reference to a CString object that will contain the resultant string after the substitution is performed.


The resource ID of the template string on which the substitution will be performed.


A string that will replace the format characters “%1” in the template string.


Loads the specified string resource and substitutes the characters "%1" for the string pointed to by lpsz1. The newly formed string is stored in rString. For example, if the string in the string table is "File %1 not found", and lpsz1 is equal to "C:\MYFILE.TXT", then rString will contain the string “File C:\MYFILE.TXT not found”. This function is useful for formatting strings sent to message boxes and other windows.

If the format characters "%1" appear in the string more than once, multiple substitutions will be made.

See Also   AfxFormatString2