BOOL AFXAPI AfxParseURL( LPCTSTR pstrURL, DWORD& dwServiceType, CString& strServer, CString& strObject, INTERNET_PORT& nPort );
Return Value
Nonzero if the URL was successfully parsed; otherwise, 0 if it is empty or does not contain a known Internet service type.
A pointer to a string containing the URL to be parsed.
Indicates the type of Internet service. Possible values are as follows:
The first segment of the URL following the service type.
An object that the URL refers to (may be empty).
Determined from either the Server or Object portions of the URL, if either exists.
This global is used in CInternetSession::OpenURL. It parses a URL string and returns the type of service and its components.
For example, AfxParseURL parses URLs of the form service://server/dir/dir/object.ext:port and returns its components stored as follows:
strServer == "server"
strObject == "/dir/dir/object/object.ext"
nPort == #port
dwServiceType == #service
Note In order to call this function, your project must include AFXINET.H.
See Also AfxGetInternetHandleType,