Application Control

OLE requires substantial control over applications and their objects. The OLE system DLLs must be able to launch and release applications automatically, coordinate their production and modification of objects, and so on. The functions in this topic meet those requirements. In addition to being called by the OLE system DLLs, these functions must sometimes be called by applications as well.

Application Control

AfxOleCanExitApp Indicates whether the application can terminate.
AfxOleGetMessageFilter Retrieves the application's current message filter.
AfxOleGetUserCtrl Retrieves the current user-control flag.
AfxOleSetUserCtrl Sets or clears the user-control flag.
AfxOleLockApp Increments the framework's global count of the number of active objects in an application.
AfxOleUnlockApp Decrements the framework's count of the number of active objects in an application.
AfxOleRegisterServerClass Registers a server in the OLE system registry.
AfxOleSetEditMenu Implements the user interface for the typename Object command.