CAsyncMonikerFile Class Members


CAsyncMonikerFile Constructs a CAsyncMonikerFile object.


GetBinding Retrieves a pointer to the asynchronous transfer binding.
GetFormatEtc Retrieves the format of the data in the stream.


Close Closes and releases all resources.
CreateBindStatusCallback Creates a COM object that implements IBindStatusCallback.
GetBindInfo Called by the OLE system library to request information on the type of bind to be created.
GetPriority Called by the OLE system library to get the priority of the binding.
OnDataAvailable Called to provide data as it becomes available to the client during asynchronous bind operations.
OnLowResource Called when resources are low.
OnProgress Called to indicate progress on the data downloading process.
OnStartBinding Called when binding is starting up.
OnStopBinding Called when asynchronous transfer is stopped.
Open Opens a file asynchronously.

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