
BOOL CreateSolidBrush( COLORREF crColor );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



A COLORREF structure that specifies the color of the brush. The color specifies an RGB value and can be constructed with the RGB macro in WINDOWS.H.


Initializes a brush with a specified solid color. The brush can subsequently be selected as the current brush for any device context.

When an application has finished using the brush created by CreateSolidBrush, it should select the brush out of the device context.


See the example for CBrush::CBrush.

CBrush OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CBrush::CreateBrushIndirect, CBrush::CreateDIBPatternBrush, CBrush::CreateHatchBrush, CBrush::CreatePatternBrush, ::CreateSolidBrush, CGdiObject::DeleteObject