
BOOL DrawEdge( LPRECT lpRect, UINT nEdge, UINT nFlags );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



A pointer to a RECT structure that contains the logical coordinates of the rectangle.


Specifies the type of inner and outer edge to draw. This parameter must be a combination of one inner-border flag and one outer-border flag. See the Remarks section for a table of the parameter’s types.


The flags that specify the type of border to be drawn. See the Remarks section for a table of the parameter’s values:


Call this member function to draw the edges of a rectangle of the specified type and style.

The inner and outer border flags are as follows:

The nEdge parameter must be a combination of one inner and one outer border flag. The nEdge parameter can specify one of the following flags:

The nFlags parameter types are as follows:

For diagonal lines, the BF_RECT flags specify the end point of the vector bounded by the rectangle parameter.

For more information about the Windows API DrawEdge, see ::DrawEdge in the Win32 SDK Programmer’s Reference.

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See Also   ::DrawEdge