CEditView Class Members

Data Members

dwStyleDefault Default style for objects of type CEditView.


CEditView Constructs an object of type CEditView.


GetEditCtrl Provides access to the CEdit portion of a CEditView object (the Windows edit control).
GetPrinterFont Retrieves the current printer font.
GetSelectedText Retrieves the current text selection.
LockBuffer Locks the buffer.
UnlockBuffer Unlocks the buffer.
GetBufferLength Obtains the length of the character buffer.
SetPrinterFont Sets a new printer font.
SetTabStops Sets tab stops for both screen display and printing.


FindText Searches for a string within the text.
PrintInsideRect Renders text inside a given rectangle.
SerializeRaw Serializes a CEditView object to disk as raw text.


OnFindNext Finds next occurrence of a text string.
OnReplaceAll Replaces all occurrences of a given string with a new string.
OnReplaceSel Replaces current selection.
OnTextNotFound Called when a find operation fails to match any further text.

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