
The CFormView class is the base class used for form views. A form view is essentially a view that contains controls. These controls are laid out based on a dialog-template resource. Use CFormView if you want forms in your application. These views support scrolling, as needed, using the CScrollView functionality.

When you create an application with the MFC AppWizard, you can base its view class on CFormView, making it a forms-based application.

You can also insert new forms into document-view-based applications. Even if your application did not initially support forms, Visual C++ will add this support when you insert a new form.

The MFC AppWizard and the New Form command are the preferred methods for creating forms-based applications. If you need to create a forms-based application without using these methods, see Forms-Based Applications.

#include <afxext.h>

Class MembersBase ClassHierarchy Chart

Samples   MFC Sample SNAPVWMFC Sample VIEWEX

See Also   CDialog, CScrollView, CView::OnUpdate, CView::OnInitialUpdate, CView::OnPrint, CWnd::UpdateData, CScrollView::ResizeParentToFit

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