
BOOL GetCurrentDirectoryAsURL( CString& strDirName ) const;

BOOL GetCurrentDirectoryAsURL( LPTSTR pstrDirName, LPDWORD lpdwLen ) const;

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, the Win32 function GetLastError may be called to determine the cause of the error.



A reference to a string that will receive the name of the directory.


A pointer to a string that will receive the name of the directory.


A pointer to a DWORD that contains the following information:

On entry The size of the buffer referenced by pstrDirName.
On return The number of characters stored to pstrDirName. If the member function fails and ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER is returned, then lpdwLen contains the number of bytes that the application must allocate in order to receive the string.


Call this member function to get the current directory’s name as a URL. GetCurrentDirectoryAsURL behaves the same as GetCurrentDirectory

The parameter strDirName can be either partially qualified filenames relative to the current directory or fully qualified. A backslash (\) or forward slash (/) can be used as the directory separator for either name. GetCurrentDirectoryAsURL translates the directory name separators to the appropriate characters before they are used.

CFtpConnection OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CFtpConnection::GetCurrentDirectory, CInternetConnection