
A “header control” is a window usually positioned above columns of text or numbers. It contains a title for each column, and it can be divided into parts. The user can drag the dividers that separate the parts to set the width of each column.

The CHeaderCtrl class provides the functionality of the Windows common header control. This control (and therefore the CHeaderCtrl class) is available only to programs running under Windows 95 and Windows NT version 3.51 and later.

Functionality added for Windows 97/Internet Explorer 4.0 common controls includes the following:

For more information on using CHeaderCtrl, see Control Topics and Using CHeaderCtrl in the Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

#include <afxcmn.h>

Class MembersBase ClassHierarchy Chart

Sample   MFC Sample LISTHDR

See Also   CTabCtrl, CListCtrl, CImageList