CHttpFilter Class Members


CHttpFilter Constructs a CHttpFilter object.


GetFilterVersion Gets the version of the filter after the CHttpFilter object is constructed.


OnReadRawData Allows the application to see the raw data. The data returned will contain both headers and data.
OnPreprocHeaders Notifies the client that the server has preprocessed the client headers.
OnAuthentication Authenticates the client.
OnUrlMap Notifies a client when a server is mapping a logical URL to a physical path.
OnSendRawData Sends raw data from the server to the client.
OnLog Logs information to a server file.
OnEndOfNetSession Notifies the client that the session is ending.


HttpFilterProc Returns a message indicating how an event that passed through the filter was processed. Called each time an event occors.

CHttpFilter OverviewHierarchy Chart

See Also   CHttpFilterContext

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