CInternetFile Class Members


CInternetFile Constructs a CInternetFile object.


SetWriteBufferSize Sets the size of the buffer where data will be written.
SetReadBufferSize Sets the size of the buffer where data will be read.


Seek Repositions the pointer in an open file.
Read Reads the number of specified bytes.
Write Writes the number of specified bytes.
Abort Closes the file, ignoring all warnings and errors.
Flush Flushes the contents of the write buffer and makes sure the data in memory is written to the target machine.
Close Closes a CInternetFile and frees its resources.
ReadString Reads a stream of characters.
WriteString Writes a null-terminated string to a file.

Data Members

m_hFile A handle to a file.


operator HINTERNET A casting operator for an Internet handle.

CInternetFile OverviewBase Class MembersHierarchy Chart