
BOOL QueryOption( DWORD dwOption, LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwBufLen ) const;

BOOL QueryOption( DWORD dwOption, DWORD& dwValue ) const;

Return Value

If the operation was successful, a value of TRUE is returned. If an error occurred, a value of FALSE is returned. If the call fails, the Win32 function GetLastError may be called to determine the cause of the error.



The Internet option to query. See InternetQueryOption in the Platform SDK for a list of the possible options.


A buffer that receives the option setting.


A pointer to a DWORD containing the length of lpBuffer. On return, this contains the length of the data placed into lpBuffer.


Sent to QueryOption in place of lpBuffer.


Provides five possible asserts for basic error-checking.

See CInternetSession::SetOption to select and set the specific option to query.

The possible settings for INTERNET_OPTION_HANDLE_TYPE include the following:

CInternetSession OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CInternetSession::ServiceTypeFromHandle, CInternetSession::SetOption

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