
int GetMonthRange( COleDateTime& refMinRange, COleDateTime& refMaxRange, DWORD dwFlags ) const;

int GetMonthRange( CTime& refMinRange, CTime& refMaxRange, DWORD dwFlags ) const;

int GetMonthRange( LPSYSTEMTIME pMinRange, LPSYSTEMTIME pMaxRange, DWORD dwFlags ) const;

Return Value

An integer that represents the range, in months, spanned by the two limits indicated by refMinRange and refMaxRange in the first and second versions, or pMinRange and pMaxRange in the third version.



A reference to a COleDateTime or CTime object containing the minimum date allowed.


A reference to a COleDateTime or CTime object containing the maximum date allowed.


A pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure containing the date at the lowest end of the range.


A pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure containing the date at the highest end of the range.


Value specifying the scope of the range limits to be retrieved. This value must be one of the following.

Value Meaning
GMR_DAYSTATE Include preceding and trailing months of visible range that are only partially displayed.
GMR_VISIBLE Include only those months that are entirely displayed.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message MCM_GETMONTHRANGE, as described in the Platform SDK.

In MFC's implementation of GetMonthRange, you can specify COleDateTime usage, a CTime usage, or a SYSTEMTIME structure usage.


See the example for CMonthCalCtrl::SetDayState.

CMonthCalCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CMonthCalCtrl::GetRange