
BOOL SetSelRange( const COleDateTime& pMinRange, const COleDateTime& pMaxRange );

BOOL SetSelRange( const CTime& pMinRange, const CTime& pMaxRange );

BOOL SetSelRange( const LPSYSTEMTIME pMinRange, const LPSYSTEMTIME pMaxRange );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.



A pointer to a COleDateTime object, a CTime object, or SYSTEMTIME structure containing the date at the lowest end of the range.


A pointer to a COleDateTime object, a CTime object, or SYSTEMTIME structure containing the date at the highest end of the range.


This member function implements the behavior of the Win32 message MCM_SETSELRANGE, as described in the Platform SDK.

In MFC's implementation of SetSelRange, you can specify COleDateTime usage, a CTime usage, or a SYSTEMTIME structure usage.

CMonthCalCtrl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CMonthCalCtrl::GetSelRange