
int Add( CObject* newElement );
throw( CMemoryException );

Return Value

The index of the added element.



The CObject pointer to be added to this array.


Adds a new element to the end of an array, growing the array by 1. If SetSize has been used with an nGrowBy value greater than 1, then extra memory may be allocated. However, the upper bound will increase by only 1.

The following table shows other member functions that are similar to CObArray::Add.

Class Member Function
CByteArray int Add( BYTE newElement );
    throw( CMemoryException );
CDWordArray int Add( DWORD newElement );
    throw( CMemoryException );
CPtrArray int Add( void* newElement );
    throw( CMemoryException );
CStringArray int Add( LPCTSTR newElement );
    throw( CMemoryException );
CUIntArray int Add( UINT newElement );
    throw( CMemoryException );
CWordArray int Add( WORD newElement );
    throw( CMemoryException );


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all collection examples.

// example for CObArray::Add

    CObArray array;
    array.Add( new CAge( 21 ) ); // Element 0
    array.Add( new CAge( 40 ) ); // Element 1
#ifdef _DEBUG
    afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
    afxDump << "Add example: " << &array << "\n";

The results from this program are as follows:

Add example: A CObArray with 2 elements
    [0] = a CAge at $442A 21
    [1] = a CAge at $4468 40

CObArray OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CObArray::SetAt, CObArray::SetAtGrow, CObArray::InsertAt, CObArray::operator []