
POSITION AddTail( CObject* newElement );
throw( CMemoryException );

void AddTail( CObList* pNewList );
throw( CMemoryException );

Return Value

The first version returns the POSITION value of the newly inserted element.



The CObject pointer to be added to this list.


A pointer to another CObList list. The elements in pNewList will be added to this list.


Adds a new element or list of elements to the tail of this list. The list can be empty before the operation.


See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class.

   CObList list;
   list.AddTail( new CAge( 21 ) );
   list.AddTail( new CAge( 40 ) ); // List now contains (21, 40).
#ifdef _DEBUG
   afxDump.SetDepth( 1 );
   afxDump << "AddTail example: " << &list << "\n";

The results from this program are as follows:

AddTail example: A CObList with 2 elements
     a CAge at $444A 21
     a CAge at $4526 40

CObList OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

   See Also   CObList::GetTail, CObList::RemoveTail