
virtual DWORD OnGetViewStatus( );

Return Value

One of the values of the VIEWSTATUS enumeration if successful; otherwise 0. Possible values are any combination of the following:


Object is completely opaque. If this bit is not set, the object contains transparent parts. This bit applies only to content-related aspects and not to DVASPECT_ICON or DVASPECT_DOCPRINT.


Object has a solid background (consisting in a solid color, not a brush pattern). This bit is meaningful only if VIEWSTATUS_OPAQUE is set and applies only to content-related aspects and not to DVASPECT_ICON or DVASPECT_DOCPRINT.


Object supports DVASPECT_OPAQUE. All IViewObjectEx methods that take a drawing aspect as a parameter can be called with this aspect.


Object supports DVASPECT_TRANSPARENT. All IViewObjectEx methods that take a drawing aspect as a parameter can be called with this aspect.


Called by the framework in response to a container’s IViewObjectEx::GetViewStatus request. Override this function if your control uses two-pass drawing. The default implementation returns VIEWSTATUS_OPAQUE.

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