
void ScrollWindow( int xAmount, int yAmount, LPCRECT lpRect = NULL, LPCRECT lpClipRect = NULL );



Specifies the amount, in device units, of horizontal scrolling. This parameter must be a negative value to scroll to the left.


Specifies the amount, in device units, of verticall scrolling. This parameter must be a negative value to scroll upward.


Points to a CRect object or RECT structure that specifies the portion of the OLE object's client area to scroll, in client coordinates of the containing window. If lpRect is NULL, the entire OLE object's client area is scrolled.


Points to a CRect object or RECT structure that specifies the rectangle to clip to. Only pixels inside the rectangle are scrolled. Bits outside the rectangle are not affected even if they are in the lpRect rectangle. If lpClipRect is NULL, no clipping is performed on the scroll rectangle.


Call this function to allow a windowless OLE object to scroll an area within its in-place active image on the screen.

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