
void ThrowError( SCODE sc, UINT nDescriptionID, UINT nHelpID = -1 );

void ThrowError( SCODE sc, LPCTSTR pszDescription = NULL, UINT nHelpID = 0 );



The status code value to be reported. For a complete list of possible codes, see the article  ActiveX Controls: Advanced Topics in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.


The string resource ID of the exception to be reported.


The help ID of the topic to be reported on.


A string containing an explanation of the exception to be reported.


Call this function to signal the occurrence of an error in your control. This function should only be called from within a Get or Set function for an OLE property, or the implementation of an OLE automation method. If you need to signal errors that occur at other times, you should fire the stock Error event.

COleControl OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleControl::FireError, COleControl::DisplayError