COleDataObject Class Members


COleDataObject Constructs a COleDataObject object.


AttachClipboard Attaches the data object that is on the Clipboard.
IsDataAvailable Checks whether data is available in a specified format.
GetData Copies data from the attached OLE data object in a specified format.
GetFileData Copies data from the attached OLE data object into a CFile pointer in the specified format.
GetGlobalData Copies data from the attached OLE data object into an HGLOBAL in the specified format.
BeginEnumFormats Prepares for one or more subsequent GetNextFormat calls.
GetNextFormat Returns the next data format available.
Attach Attaches the specified OLE data object to the COleDataObject.
Release Detaches and releases the associated IDataObject object.
Detach Detaches the associated IDataObject object.

COleDataObject OverviewHierarchy Chart