
DateTimeSpanStatus GetStatus( ) const;

Return Value

The status of this COleDateTimeSpan value.


Call this member function to get the status (validity) of this COleDateTimeSpan object.

The return value is defined by the DateTimeSpanStatus enumerated type, which is defined within the COleDateTimeSpan class.

enum DateTimeSpanStatus{
   valid = 0,
   invalid = 1,
   null = 2,

For a brief description of these status values, see the following list:

The status of a COleDateTimeSpan object is invalid in the following cases:

For more information about the operations that may set the status to invalid, see COleDateTimeSpan::operator +, - and COleDateTimeSpan::operator +=, -=.

For more information about the bounds for COleDateTimeSpan values, see the article Date and Time: Automation Support in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

COleDateTimeSpan OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleDateTimeSpan::SetStatus, COleDateTimeSpan::m_status

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