
COlePropertiesDialog( COleClientItem* pItem, UINT nScaleMin = 10, UINT nScaleMax = 500, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL );



Pointer to the document item whose properties are being accessed.


Minimum scaling percentage for the document item image.


Maximum scaling percentage for the document item image.


Pointer to the dialog box’s parent or owner.


Creates a COlePropertiesDialog object. Derive your common OLE Object Properties dialog class from COlePropertiesDialog in order to implement scaling for your document items. Any dialog boxes implemented by an instance of this class will not support scaling of the document item.

By default, the common OLE Object Properties dialog box has three default pages:

To add pages beyond those provided by default, modify the m_psh member variable before exiting the constructor of your COlePropertiesDialog-derived class. This is an advanced implementation of the COlePropertiesDialog constructor.

COlePropertiesDialog OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COlePropertiesDialog::OnApplyScale