
void GetUBound( DWORD dwDim, long* pUBound );



The array dimension for which to get the upper bound.


Pointer to the location to return the upper bound.


Call this function to return the upper bound for any dimension of a safe array. On error, the function throws a COleException.


COleSafeArray saMatrix;
DWORD numElements[] = {10, 5};

// creates a 2 dimensional safearray of type VT_I2 
// with size 10x5 elements, with all indices starting at 0(default)
saMatrix.Create(VT_I2, 2, numElements);

long lUBound;
ASSERT(saMatrix.GetDim() == 2);

//get upper bound for 1st dimension
saMatrix.GetUBound(1, &lUBound);

ASSERT(lUBound == 9);

//get upper bound for 2nd dimension
saMatrix.GetUBound(2, &lUBound);

ASSERT(lUBound == 4);

COleSafeArray saVector;
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabounds[] = { {5, 1} };

// creates a 1 dimensional safearray of type VT_I1 
// with size 5 elements, with the index starting at 1
saVector.Create(VT_I1, 1, rgsabounds);

//get upper bound for 1st dimension
saVector.GetUBound(1, &lUBound);

ASSERT(lUBound == 5);

COleSafeArray OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   COleSafeArray::GetLBound, SafeArrayGetUBound