COleSafeArray Class Members


COleSafeArray Constructs a COleSafeArray object.


Attach Gives control of the existing VARIANT array to the COleSafeArray object.
Clear Frees all data in the underlying VARIANT.
Detach Detaches the VARIANT array from the COleSafeArray object (so that the data will not be freed).

Win32 API Wrappers

AccessData Retrieves a pointer to the array data.
AllocData Allocates memory for the array.
AllocDescriptor Allocates memory for the safe array descriptor.
Copy Creates a copy of an existing array.
Create Creates a safe array.
Destroy Destroys an existing array.
DestroyData Destroys data in a safe array.
DestroyDescriptor Destroys a descriptor of a safe array.
GetDim Returns the number of dimensions in the array.
GetElement Retrieves a single element of the safe array.
GetElemSize Returns the size, in bytes, of one element in a safe array.
GetLBound Returns the lower bound for any dimension of a safe array.
GetUBound Returns the upper bound for any dimension of a safe array.
Lock Increments the lock count of an array and places a pointer to the array data in the array descriptor.
PtrOfIndex Returns a pointer to the indexed element.
PutElement Assigns a single element into the array.
Redim Changes the least significant (rightmost) bound of a safe array.
UnaccessData Decrements the lock count of an array and invalidates the pointer retrieved by AccessData.
Unlock Decrements the lock count of an array so it can be freed or resized.

One-Dimensional Array Operations

CreateOneDim Creates a one-dimensional COleSafeArray object.
GetOneDimSize Returns the number of elements in the one-dimensional COleSafeArray object.
ResizeOneDim Changes the number of elements in a one-dimensional COleSafeArray object.


operator = Copies values into a COleSafeArray object (SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, COleVariant, or COleSafeArray array).
operator == Compares two variant arrays (SAFEARRAY, VARIANT, COleVariant, or COleSafeArray arrays).
operator << Outputs the contents of a COleSafeArray object to the dump context.
operator LPVARIANT Accesses the underlying VARIANT structure of the COleSafeArray object.
operator LPCVARIANT Accesses the underlying VARIANT structure of the COleSafeArray object.

COleSafeArray OverviewHierarchy Chart